Comprehensive Security Management Report

Scope of Security Management

The scope of our security management encompasses all facets of the organization's information technology infrastructure, including hardware, software, data, and network communications. It aims to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of these assets against unauthorized access, misuse, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction.

Our security management strategy is applied across various domains including:

No. Domain Description Controls Status
1 Data Protection Measures to safeguard data from unauthorized access and breaches. Data Encryption, Backup Solutions Active
2 Network Security Protections for network infrastructure against threats and unauthorized access. Firewalls, Intrusion Detection Systems In Progress
3 Physical Security Protection of physical assets and facilities from unauthorized access and damage. Surveillance Cameras, Access Control Systems Under Review
4 Access Control Measures to control who can access information and systems. Role-Based Access Control, Multi-Factor Authentication Active
5 Compliance and Governance Adherence to legal, regulatory, and internal policies. Policy Review, Compliance Audits Critical

Information Security Management


This section outlines the measures and controls in place to protect the company's information assets, ensuring confidentiality, integrity, and availability.

No. Area Controls Responsibility Status
1 Access Control Implementing multi-factor authentication (MFA) and role-based access control (RBAC) IT Manager Active
2 Data Protection Data encryption, secure storage solutions, and regular audits Security Officer Active
3 Incident Response Comprehensive incident response plan and regular training Incident Response Team Under Development
4 Compliance GDPR, CCPA compliance, and regular compliance reviews Legal Department Ongoing

Program Management


The program management section focuses on the strategic management of security programs, including the coordination of resources, policies, and procedures to achieve security objectives. This includes:

No. Program Description Controls Status
1 Regular Risk Assessments and Audits Routine evaluations to identify and mitigate security risks. Scheduled Risk Reviews, Audit Reports Active
2 Security Awareness and Training Programs Programs designed to educate employees about security best practices and protocols. Training Sessions, Awareness Campaigns In Progress
3 Integration of Security into Project Management Ensuring security considerations are included in all stages of project management. Security Requirements in Project Plans, Risk Management Under Review
4 Ongoing Improvement and Adaptation of Security Policies Continuous enhancement and adjustment of security policies based on emerging threats. Policy Updates, Threat Analysis Active

Network and Equipment Security Management


This section covers the security measures implemented for network and physical equipment to protect against unauthorized access and ensure secure data flow.

No. Equipment Location Protection Type Status
1 Router Data Center Firewall, Intrusion Detection System (IDS) Active
2 Switch First Floor Network segmentation, VLANs Active
3 Servers Data Center Data Backup, Redundant Power Supply Active
4 Workstations Office Endpoint Security, Regular Patching Under Review

Risk Matrix (Likelihood vs. Impact)


The Risk Matrix provides a visual representation of the likelihood and impact of potential security threats, guiding the prioritization of mitigation efforts.

No. Risk Likelihood Impact Mitigation Strategy Status
1 DDoS Attack Medium High Deploy robust firewalls, use DDoS protection services Mitigating
2 Data Breach Low Very High Implement encryption, enhance access controls High Priority
3 Phishing Attack High Medium Employee training, phishing simulations Under Review
4 Insider Threat Medium High Implement monitoring, enforce strict access policies Active

CIA Triad (Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability)


The CIA Triad is a foundational concept in information security, emphasizing the need to protect data confidentiality, maintain data integrity, and ensure the availability of systems and data.

No. Aspect Description Controls Status
1 Confidentiality Ensuring that information is accessible only to authorized individuals Data Encryption, Access Controls Active
2 Integrity Maintaining the accuracy and completeness of data Hashing, Digital Signatures Active
3 Availability Ensuring that information and systems are accessible when needed Redundancy, Backups Active

Disaster Recovery Planning (DRP)


Disaster Recovery Planning is critical for ensuring that the company can continue operations and recover critical functions in the event of a disaster. Key elements include:

No. Component Strategy Status
1 Data Backup Regular backups, off-site storage, and cloud solutions Active
2 System Recovery Redundant systems, virtualization, and rapid recovery protocols Ongoing
3 Communication Plan Emergency contact lists, communication tree, and notification systems Under Review
4 Testing and Training Regular drills, plan reviews, and employee training Active

Business Continuity Planning (BCP)


Business Continuity Planning ensures that the company can maintain essential functions during and after a disaster. It includes plans for:

No. Aspect Plan Details Status
1 Critical Operations Identification of key operations and minimum resource requirements Active
2 Resource Management Allocation of personnel, equipment, and facilities for continuity Ongoing
3 External Coordination Partnerships with external agencies and suppliers Under Review
4 Recovery Timeline Establishing acceptable timeframes for recovery of operations Active

Additional Security Measures


This section covers additional security measures that complement the primary security strategies, including physical security and employee awareness programs.

No. Measure Description Responsible Department Status
1 Physical Security Access control systems, security cameras, and on-site security personnel Facilities Management Active
2 Employee Awareness Regular training sessions and awareness campaigns HR Department Ongoing
3 Vendor Security Security assessments and audits of third-party vendors Procurement Under Review
4 Disaster Recovery Developing and testing disaster recovery plans IT Department Active

C2M2 (Cybersecurity Capability Maturity Model)


The Cybersecurity Capability Maturity Model (C2M2) helps organizations evaluate and improve their cybersecurity capabilities. It focuses on practices and processes that help an organization manage cybersecurity risks effectively.

The model covers 10 domains, each of which is assessed across several maturity levels:

No. Domain Description Maturity Level Status
1 Risk Management Processes for identifying, assessing, and managing cybersecurity risks Level 3 Active
2 Asset Management Identification and management of critical assets Level 2 In Progress
3 Identity and Access Management Controls for managing user identities and access permissions Level 3 Active
4 Threat and Vulnerability Management Processes for identifying and managing vulnerabilities Level 3 Active
5 Situational Awareness Processes for maintaining awareness of the cybersecurity landscape Level 2 Under Review
6 Event and Incident Response Processes for responding to cybersecurity incidents Level 3 Active
7 Supply Chain and External Dependencies Management Management of risks associated with external dependencies Level 2 In Progress
8 Workforce Management Management of cybersecurity skills and competencies Level 2 Under Review
9 Cybersecurity Program Management Governance and management of the overall cybersecurity program Level 3 Active
10 Cybersecurity Architecture Design and implementation of cybersecurity architecture Level 2 In Progress

ISM3 (Information Security Management Maturity Model)


The Information Security Management Maturity Model (ISM3) is designed to assess and improve an organization's information security processes. ISM3 focuses on achieving security goals through well-defined, repeatable processes and continuous improvement.

ISM3 covers several key areas, including:

No. Area Description Maturity Level Status
1 Security Governance Establishing and maintaining a framework for security policy, strategy, and objectives Level 4 Active
2 Risk Management Processes for identifying, assessing, and mitigating security risks Level 3 In Progress
3 Compliance Management Ensuring compliance with legal, regulatory, and contractual requirements Level 3 Active
4 Security Operations Monitoring and managing security operations, including system monitoring and vulnerability management Level 2 Under Review
5 Incident Management Processes for responding to and recovering from security incidents Level 3 Active

IG (Information Governance)


Information Governance (IG) involves the processes and standards for managing and protecting data across an organization. IG ensures that data is handled in a compliant, secure, and efficient manner, supporting business objectives and reducing risk.

Key components of IG include:

No. Component Description Status
1 Data Quality Management Ensuring data accuracy, consistency, and completeness throughout its lifecycle Active
2 Records Management Establishing policies for the creation, storage, and disposal of records Ongoing
3 Data Privacy and Protection Implementing measures to protect personal and sensitive information Active
4 Compliance and Legal Obligations Ensuring compliance with relevant laws, regulations, and standards Under Review
5 Data Lifecycle Management Managing data from creation through to archival and deletion Ongoing

ISMS (Information Security Management System)


The Information Security Management System (ISMS) is a framework of policies and procedures that includes all legal, physical, and technical controls involved in an organization's information risk management processes. The goal of ISMS is to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information.

Key components of ISMS include:

No. Component Description Status
1 Risk Assessment Identifying and evaluating risks to information security and defining appropriate risk treatment measures Active
2 Security Policy Establishing a security policy that defines management's commitment to information security Ongoing
3 Asset Management Managing the lifecycle of information assets, including inventory and classification Under Review
4 Access Control Implementing controls to limit access to information and systems based on business needs Active
5 Incident Management Establishing processes for detecting, reporting, and responding to security incidents Ongoing

COBIT (Control Objectives for Information and Related Technologies)


COBIT is a framework for developing, implementing, monitoring, and improving IT governance and management practices. It provides a comprehensive approach to managing IT governance and aligning IT with business goals.

Key areas of COBIT include:

No. Area Description Status
1 IT Governance Framework for overseeing IT activities and ensuring alignment with business objectives Active
2 Process Management Defining and managing IT processes to ensure effective and efficient operation Ongoing
3 Risk Management Identifying, assessing, and mitigating IT-related risks to minimize impact Under Review
4 Compliance Ensuring IT processes and practices comply with relevant regulations and standards Ongoing
5 Performance Measurement Monitoring and measuring the performance of IT processes to ensure effectiveness Active

PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act)


PDCA is a cyclic model used for continuous improvement of processes and systems. It helps organizations implement and refine processes through iterative steps. The model is broken down into four key phases:

No. Phase Description Status
1 Plan Defining objectives, processes, and resources to achieve desired results. Active
2 Do Implementing the plan, executing processes, and collecting data. Ongoing
3 Check Monitoring and reviewing performance against objectives to identify discrepancies. Under Review
4 Act Making necessary improvements based on performance review to enhance processes. Active

Information Technology (IT)


Information Technology (IT) encompasses all aspects of managing and processing information and systems. It includes hardware, software, networking, and data management. Key areas of focus include:

No. Area Description Status
1 System Integration Integrating various IT systems and ensuring compatibility. Active
2 Database Management Managing and maintaining databases to ensure data integrity and accessibility. Ongoing
3 Network Security Implementing measures to protect network infrastructure from cyber threats. Under Review
4 Software Development Designing, developing, and deploying software applications. Active

Operational Technology (OT)


Operational Technology (OT) refers to hardware and software that detects or causes changes through direct monitoring and control of physical devices, processes, and events. Key aspects include:

No. Area Description Status
1 Industrial Control Systems Systems used to monitor and control industrial processes. Active
2 SCADA Systems Supervisory control and data acquisition systems for industrial operations. Ongoing
3 Building Management Systems Systems managing lighting, HVAC, and other building operations. Under Review
4 Process Automation Automation of manufacturing processes to enhance efficiency and consistency. Active

Industrial Internet Of Things (IIOT)


Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT) involves the use of IoT technologies to enhance industrial processes. It focuses on connecting industrial machines and systems for data collection and analysis. Key areas include:

No. Area Description Status
1 Machine-to-Machine Communication Communication between industrial machines for improved efficiency. Active
2 Predictive Maintenance Using data to predict and prevent equipment failures. Ongoing
3 Real-time Data Monitoring Monitoring industrial processes in real-time for better decision-making. Under Review
4 Automation and Control Enhancing control and automation of industrial operations. Active

Internet of Things (IOT)


Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the network of physical devices connected via the internet, enabling them to collect and exchange data. Key aspects include:

No. Area Description Status
1 Smart Devices Devices connected to the internet for enhanced functionality. Active
2 Data Collection and Analytics Gathering and analyzing data from IoT devices for insights. Ongoing
3 Home Automation Using IoT to control home systems like lighting and heating. Under Review
4 Wearable Technology Devices worn on the body that collect and transmit data. Active

Information and Communications Technology (ICT)


Information and Communications Technology (ICT) refers to the integration of information technology and telecommunications. It encompasses all technologies used to handle telecommunications, broadcast media, intelligent building management systems, and network-based control and monitoring functions. Key aspects include:

No. Area Description Status
1 Telecommunications Systems for transmitting information over distances. Active
2 Broadcast Media Technologies used for broadcasting television and radio signals. Ongoing
3 Network Infrastructure Hardware and software for network connectivity. Under Review
4 Intelligent Building Systems Systems for managing building operations such as heating and lighting. Active



The roadmap outlines the strategic plan for implementing key projects and initiatives within the organization. It provides a timeline and milestones for achieving objectives, ensuring that resources are allocated effectively and progress is tracked. Key elements include:

No. Phase Milestone Deliverable Timeline Status
1 Planning Project Charter Approval Formal Approval Document Q1 2024 Completed
2 Development Initial Prototype Prototype Model Q2 2024 Ongoing
3 Testing Beta Testing Testing Report Q3 2024 Under Review
4 Deployment Final Release Product Launch Q4 2024 Upcoming

Security Gap Analysis


The Security Gap Analysis identifies vulnerabilities and gaps in the current security measures and policies. It helps in understanding areas where security controls may be lacking or need enhancement. Key components include:

No. Area Finding Impact Recommendation Status
1 Network Security Weak firewall rules High Update firewall configurations and rules Pending
2 Access Control Inadequate user access reviews Medium Implement regular access reviews Ongoing
3 Data Protection Unencrypted sensitive data High Encrypt all sensitive data in transit and at rest Addressed
4 Incident Response Missing incident response plan High Develop and implement an incident response plan Under Development

Cyber Assessments


Cyber assessments involve evaluating the effectiveness of cybersecurity practices and identifying potential risks and vulnerabilities. This section covers:

No. Assessment Type Scope Findings Action Items Status
1 Security Posture Overall security configuration Improper configurations in security settings Correct configurations based on best practices In Progress
2 Risk Management Identified risks High-risk vulnerabilities not addressed Implement risk mitigation strategies Pending
3 Compliance Check Regulatory compliance Non-compliance with regulations Address compliance gaps and implement controls Completed
4 Penetration Testing Vulnerability testing Multiple security flaws found Fix identified vulnerabilities and retest Under Review

Statement of Applicability (SOA)


The Statement of Applicability (SOA) outlines the controls selected and implemented based on the risk assessment and the requirements of the security management system. It provides an overview of the controls that are applicable to the organization and their current status. Key components include:

No. Control Description Status Justification for Exclusion (if applicable)
1 Access Control Policy Policies and procedures for managing user access to information systems Implemented N/A
2 Data Encryption Encryption protocols for protecting sensitive data during transmission and storage Ongoing N/A
3 Incident Management Processes for identifying, responding to, and recovering from security incidents Under Development Pending formalization
4 Compliance Audits Regular audits to ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements Implemented N/A

Penetration Testing


Penetration Testing involves simulating cyber attacks on your system to identify and address security vulnerabilities before they can be exploited. This proactive approach helps in strengthening the security posture of the organization by uncovering potential weaknesses. Key elements include:

No. Test Area Description Findings Status
1 Network Penetration Assessment of network security through simulated attacks to identify vulnerabilities Multiple vulnerabilities identified, including weak firewall configurations In Progress
2 Application Security Testing of web and mobile applications for common security flaws Issues with input validation and session management Ongoing
3 Social Engineering Simulated social engineering attacks to assess employee awareness and response Some employees fell for phishing attempts Under Review
4 Physical Security Testing of physical security controls and access controls Physical access controls were found to be effective Completed

Impact Analysis


Impact Analysis involves assessing the potential effects of risks and threats on an organization’s operations, assets, and overall business objectives. This process helps in understanding the potential consequences of various scenarios and in developing strategies to mitigate them. Key components include:

No. Risk Area Description Potential Impact Mitigation Strategy Status
1 Data Loss Loss of critical business data due to system failure or cyber attack High - Could result in significant operational disruption and financial loss Regular backups, data encryption, and secure storage Active
2 Operational Downtime Interruption of business operations due to IT system outages or failures Medium - Affects productivity and service delivery Redundant systems, disaster recovery planning, and system monitoring In Progress
3 Compliance Breach Non-compliance with regulatory requirements and standards High - Legal penalties, reputational damage, and operational impact Regular audits, compliance checks, and staff training Ongoing
4 Reputation Damage Negative impact on the company’s reputation due to security incidents High - Affects customer trust and business relationships Incident response plans, communication strategies, and customer support Under Review

OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project)


OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) is a nonprofit organization focused on improving the security of software. OWASP provides free resources, including tools, standards, and guidelines, to help organizations and developers secure their web applications. Key areas include:

No. Vulnerability Description Impact Mitigation Strategies Status
1 Injection Injection flaws, such as SQL, OS, and LDAP injection, occur when untrusted data is sent to an interpreter as part of a command or query. High - Can result in data loss, corruption, or unauthorized access. Use parameterized queries, input validation, and secure coding practices. Active
2 Broken Authentication Exploits vulnerabilities in authentication mechanisms, leading to unauthorized access. High - Can lead to account compromise and data breaches. Implement multi-factor authentication and secure session management. Ongoing
3 Sensitive Data Exposure Failures in securing sensitive data, such as financial or healthcare information. High - May result in identity theft and financial loss. Encrypt data at rest and in transit, and follow data privacy regulations. Under Review
4 Security Misconfiguration Improper implementation of security settings, leading to vulnerabilities. Medium - May expose sensitive information or allow unauthorized actions. Regularly review and update configurations, and minimize permissions. Active

System Hardening


System hardening involves implementing security measures to reduce vulnerabilities in systems, applications, and networks. This process is critical for protecting systems from attacks by eliminating or mitigating potential weaknesses. Key areas include:

No. Area Description Measures Status
1 Operating System Hardening Securing the operating system by disabling unnecessary services, installing security patches, and configuring security policies. Disable unused ports, enforce password policies, and apply regular updates. Active
2 Application Hardening Securing applications by limiting access, updating software, and applying security configurations. Implement secure coding practices, apply patches, and restrict permissions. Ongoing
3 Network Hardening Strengthening network defenses by configuring firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and network segmentation. Use firewalls, encrypt traffic, and implement strong access controls. Under Review
4 Database Hardening Securing databases by implementing encryption, access controls, and regular auditing. Encrypt sensitive data, use role-based access, and monitor access logs. Active

Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)


SIEM systems collect and analyze security-related data from various sources to identify and respond to potential security threats. This technology enables real-time monitoring, log management, and automated incident response.

No. Component Description Key Features Status
1 Log Management Collection and storage of log data from various systems and applications. Centralized logging, data retention policies, and compliance reporting. Active
2 Real-Time Monitoring Continuous monitoring of network traffic and system activities for suspicious behavior. Event correlation, alerting, and threat detection. Ongoing
3 Incident Response Automated response to detected threats and incidents. Automated workflows, playbooks, and case management. Under Review
4 Compliance Ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements through monitoring and reporting. Audit trails, compliance dashboards, and reporting tools. Active

Vulnerability Management


Vulnerability management involves identifying, assessing, and mitigating security vulnerabilities in systems and applications. This proactive approach helps prevent exploitation and enhances overall security posture.

No. Step Description Actions Status
1 Identification Detecting potential vulnerabilities through scanning and monitoring. Use vulnerability scanners, conduct audits, and monitor systems. Active
2 Assessment Evaluating the severity and potential impact of identified vulnerabilities. Risk scoring, prioritization, and analysis. Ongoing
3 Mitigation Taking steps to reduce or eliminate the risk posed by vulnerabilities. Patch management, configuration changes, and access controls. Under Review
4 Reporting Documenting and communicating findings and actions taken. Detailed reports, dashboards, and compliance documentation. Active

Threat Intelligence


Threat intelligence involves collecting and analyzing information about current and emerging threats to inform security decisions and actions. It provides insights into adversaries' tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs).

No. Source Description Utilization Status
1 Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) Information gathered from publicly available sources. Monitoring news, forums, social media, and security blogs. Active
2 Human Intelligence (HUMINT) Information collected from human sources. Security research, insider threat reports, and industry networking. Ongoing
3 Technical Intelligence (TECHINT) Data from technical sources such as network logs and malware analysis. Analyzing threat data, identifying patterns, and developing countermeasures. Under Review
4 Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) Specific intelligence on cyber threats including tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs). Using threat feeds, intelligence platforms, and sharing information with partners. Active

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)


CRM systems are designed to manage and analyze customer interactions and data throughout the customer lifecycle. The goal is to improve customer service relationships, retain customers, and drive sales growth.

No. Function Description Benefits Status
1 Contact Management Organizing and managing customer information such as contact details and interactions. Improved customer service, streamlined communication, and personalized marketing. Active
2 Sales Management Tracking sales opportunities, pipelines, and performance metrics. Enhanced sales forecasting, better resource allocation, and increased revenue. Ongoing
3 Customer Support Managing customer service tickets, inquiries, and support requests. Faster resolution times, improved customer satisfaction, and efficient support processes. Under Review
4 Marketing Automation Automating marketing tasks like email campaigns and social media posting. Increased marketing efficiency, targeted campaigns, and higher engagement rates. Active

Captive Portal


A captive portal is a web page that users are directed to before they can access the internet. It is commonly used in public Wi-Fi networks for authentication, payment, or data collection purposes.

No. Function Description Usage Status
1 Authentication Requiring users to log in or sign up to access the network. Enhances security, restricts access, and tracks user activity. Active
2 Data Collection Collecting user information such as email addresses or preferences. Used for marketing, user analytics, and improving services. Ongoing
3 Payment Gateway Allowing users to pay for internet access or premium services. Monetization of Wi-Fi networks and offering tiered services. Under Review
4 Advertisement Displaying ads to users during the login or usage process. Generating additional revenue and promoting products or services. Active

Information Management Processes (IMP)


Information Management Processes (IMP) involve the systematic collection, storage, and utilization of information within an organization. Effective IMP ensures that data is accurate, accessible, and secure, supporting business decision-making and operational efficiency.

No. Process Description Responsible Department Status
1 Data Collection Gathering data from various sources, ensuring completeness and accuracy. Data Management Team Active
2 Data Storage Organizing and storing data securely, with proper access controls. IT Department Ongoing
3 Data Analysis Processing and analyzing data to extract meaningful insights. Business Intelligence Team Under Review
4 Data Security Implementing measures to protect data from unauthorized access and breaches. Security Department Active

Information Management Policy (IMP)


Information Management Policy (IMP) sets out the principles and guidelines for managing information within the organization. This policy aims to ensure that information is handled in a way that meets legal, regulatory, and operational requirements, while also protecting the privacy and confidentiality of data.

No. Policy Area Description Responsible Department Status
1 Data Classification Defining levels of sensitivity for different types of data and assigning appropriate access controls. Information Security Team Active
2 Data Retention Establishing rules for how long different types of data should be retained and when they should be disposed of. Compliance Department Ongoing
3 Access Control Setting policies for who can access different types of information and under what conditions. IT Department Under Review
4 Data Privacy Implementing measures to protect personal and sensitive information from unauthorized access and breaches. Data Protection Officer Active

Business Continuity Management (BCM)


Business Continuity Management (BCM) focuses on identifying potential threats to an organization and establishing frameworks for responding to these threats, ensuring that critical business functions continue to operate during and after a disaster. Key components include:

No. Component Description Status
1 Business Impact Analysis (BIA) Identification of critical business processes and their impact Active
2 Continuity Strategies Strategies for maintaining critical operations Ongoing
3 BCM Plan Comprehensive plan for business continuity Under Review
4 Testing & Maintenance Regular testing and updates of the BCM plan Active

Risk Prevention Unit (RPU)


The Risk Prevention Unit (RPU) is responsible for identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks that could potentially impact the organization's operations. This unit develops strategies to prevent or minimize these risks. Core activities include:

No. Activity Description Status
1 Risk Assessment Identification and analysis of potential risks Active
2 Mitigation Plans Developing strategies to reduce risks Ongoing
3 Risk Monitoring Continuous monitoring of risk levels Under Review
4 Coordination Collaborating with other departments for risk management Active

Real-Time Protection (RTP)


Real-Time Protection (RTP) refers to the mechanisms in place to detect and respond to threats as they occur, minimizing potential damage. RTP is critical for protecting the organization's assets and includes:

No. Protection Measure Description Status
1 Intrusion Detection Monitoring network traffic for suspicious activity Active
2 Real-Time Monitoring Continuous monitoring of systems and networks Ongoing
3 Incident Response Automated responses to detected threats Under Review
4 SIEM Integration Centralized logging and analysis for security events Active

Real-Time Updates (RTU)


Real-Time Updates (RTU) ensure that the organization’s systems, software, and security measures are always up-to-date. This includes the timely deployment of patches and updates to protect against newly discovered vulnerabilities. Key elements are:

No. Update Type Description Status
1 Patch Management Automated deployment of security patches Active
2 Software Upgrades Upgrading software to the latest versions Ongoing
3 Vulnerability Assessment Identifying and remediating vulnerabilities Under Review
4 Vendor Coordination Ensuring timely updates from vendors Active

Minor/Major Risk Level


This section defines and categorizes various risk levels within the organization. The risks are divided into two main categories: Minor and Major, each defined by their potential impact and likelihood of occurrence. This includes:

No. Risk Level Description Impact Likelihood Mitigation Status
1 Minor Risks with low impact and low likelihood Low Low Basic monitoring and controls Stable
2 Major Risks with high impact and high likelihood High High Advanced mitigation strategies and continuous monitoring Critical



This section covers the classification of data and assets within the organization. Proper classification ensures that appropriate security measures are applied based on the sensitivity and value of the information. This includes:

No. Classification Level Description Security Controls Status
1 Public Information intended for public disclosure Basic controls, public access allowed Implemented
2 Internal Information intended for internal use only Access restricted to employees, regular monitoring In Review
3 Confidential Information that requires confidentiality Strong encryption, limited access, regular audits Ongoing
4 Restricted Highly sensitive information, critical to the organization Highest level of security, strict access controls Critical

Defence in Depth


Defence in Depth is a security strategy that employs multiple layers of security controls to protect data and systems. This approach ensures that if one layer fails, additional layers continue to provide protection. Key components include:

No. Layer Description Purpose Status
1 Network Security Firewalls, intrusion detection systems (IDS), and network segmentation Prevent unauthorized network access Active
2 Application Security Secure coding practices, application firewalls, and vulnerability management Protect applications from attacks Active
3 Endpoint Security Antivirus software, endpoint detection and response (EDR), and encryption Secure individual devices and endpoints Under Review
4 Physical Security Access control systems, surveillance cameras, and secure facilities Protect physical assets and infrastructure Active
5 Policy and Procedures Security policies, incident response plans, and employee training Ensure comprehensive security management Ongoing

Offensive Security


Offensive security involves proactive measures to identify and address vulnerabilities before attackers can exploit them. It includes techniques like penetration testing and red teaming to simulate attacks and assess security posture. Key aspects include:

No. Technique Description Objective Status
1 Penetration Testing Simulate attacks to find vulnerabilities Identify weaknesses and improve security Active
2 Red Team Exercises Conduct simulated attacks to test defenses Evaluate security readiness and response Under Review
3 Vulnerability Scanning Automated scanning for known vulnerabilities Discover and address security flaws Ongoing
4 Ethical Hacking Authorized testing to uncover security issues Strengthen security measures and protocols Active

Defensive Security


Defensive security focuses on measures to protect and defend systems from attacks. It includes implementing and maintaining controls to prevent, detect, and respond to security incidents. Key elements include:

No. Control Description Function Status
1 Firewalls Monitor and control network traffic based on security rules Prevent unauthorized access and attacks Active
2 Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) Detect and alert on suspicious activities and intrusions Identify and respond to potential threats Under Review
3 Endpoint Protection Security solutions for individual devices Protect endpoints from malware and attacks Ongoing
4 Access Controls Regulate access to systems and data based on permissions Ensure authorized access and prevent unauthorized entry Active
5 Incident Response Procedures and tools for managing and mitigating security incidents Respond to and recover from security breaches Ongoing

CIS (Center for Internet Security)


This section covers the CIS benchmarks and controls, which provide best practices for securing systems and data. The CIS guidelines help organizations enhance their security posture through well-defined controls and practices.

No. CIS Control Description Implementation Status
1 CIS Control 1 Inventory and Control of Hardware Assets Regular asset inventory and monitoring Active
2 CIS Control 2 Inventory and Control of Software Assets Maintain software inventory and enforce licensing Ongoing

CSIRT (Computer Security Incident Response Team)


This section describes the role and activities of the CSIRT, responsible for managing and responding to security incidents within the organization. Key functions include incident handling, response coordination, and communication.

No. CSIRT Function Description Responsibility Status
1 Incident Detection Monitoring and identifying potential security incidents CSIRT Team Operational
2 Incident Response Coordinating the response to security incidents CSIRT Team In Progress
3 Post-Incident Review Analyzing incidents and updating response plans CSIRT Team Pending

SMP (Security Management Plan)


This section outlines the Security Management Plan, detailing the organization's approach to managing and implementing security controls and practices.

No. SMP Component Description Responsible Party Status
1 Risk Assessment Identification and evaluation of security risks Security Team Complete
2 Security Controls Implementation of security measures and policies IT Department Ongoing
3 Monitoring and Review Continuous monitoring and periodic reviews of security posture Audit Team Under Review

ROOT CAST (Risk Oriented Threat Modeling for Cyber Security)


This section covers ROOT CAST, which is a risk-oriented threat modeling approach used to enhance cybersecurity. It focuses on identifying and mitigating potential threats based on their risk impact and likelihood.

No. ROOT CAST Component Description Implementation Status
1 Threat Identification Identifying potential threats and vulnerabilities Regular threat assessments Active
2 Risk Assessment Evaluating the risk impact and likelihood of identified threats Risk analysis and prioritization Ongoing
3 Mitigation Strategies Developing and implementing strategies to mitigate identified risks Policy updates and control implementations In Progress
4 Review and Update Continuous review and update of threat models and mitigation strategies Periodic reviews and updates Scheduled

Information Security Management Levels


This section outlines the different levels of Information Security Management within the organization. Each level represents a different stage of maturity and implementation of security controls, aiming to enhance the overall security posture.

No. Management Level Description Key Practices Status
1 Initial Basic security practices are in place but are not standardized or documented Ad-hoc security measures Not Started
2 Managed Security practices are defined and managed but may lack consistency across the organization Documented procedures and regular reviews In Progress
3 Defined Security practices are standardized and integrated into organizational processes Standardized practices and training programs Ongoing
4 Quantitatively Managed Security practices are measured and controlled using quantitative methods Metrics and performance indicators Active
5 Optimizing Continuous improvement of security practices based on feedback and metrics Continuous improvement and optimization Active

Quality Assurance (QA)


This section describes the Quality Assurance (QA) processes and practices in place to ensure the quality and reliability of our systems and services. QA encompasses various methodologies and standards to systematically improve and verify product quality.

No. QA Process Description Key Metrics Status
1 Testing Systematic testing of products to identify defects and ensure functionality Defect rates, test coverage, test results Active
2 Quality Audits Regular audits to review processes and compliance with quality standards Audit findings, compliance rates In Progress
3 Continuous Improvement Ongoing efforts to improve quality through feedback and process optimization Improvement initiatives, feedback implementation Ongoing
4 Quality Metrics Metrics used to measure and monitor the quality of products and processes Performance indicators, quality benchmarks Active
5 Training and Development Training programs to enhance the skills and knowledge of the QA team Training completion rates, skill assessments Ongoing

Cybersecurity Framework (CSF)


This section outlines the Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) used to manage and improve cybersecurity practices within the organization. The framework provides structured guidelines to identify, protect, detect, respond, and recover from cybersecurity threats and incidents.

No. Framework Function Description Key Activities Status
1 Identify Develop an understanding of the organization’s environment to manage cybersecurity risks Asset management, risk assessments, governance Active
2 Protect Implement safeguards to ensure delivery of critical infrastructure services Access control, data protection, security training In Progress
3 Detect Develop and implement activities to identify the occurrence of a cybersecurity event Continuous monitoring, detection tools, logging Ongoing
4 Respond Develop and implement activities to take action regarding a detected cybersecurity event Incident response planning, communication, analysis In Progress
5 Recover Develop and implement activities to restore any capabilities or services that were impaired due to a cybersecurity event Recovery planning, improvement strategies, lessons learned Ongoing

Integrated Security Firewall (ISFW)


This section describes the Integrated Security Firewall (ISFW) and its role in providing comprehensive network security. The ISFW integrates multiple security functions to protect against various types of threats.

No. Feature Description Implementation Status
1 Multi-Layered Protection Combines several security features into a single solution Implemented with integrated threat detection and prevention Active
2 Advanced Threat Detection Detects and responds to sophisticated threats Real-time monitoring and analysis In Progress
3 Integration with SIEM Works with Security Information and Event Management systems Enhanced visibility and management Ongoing

Next Generation Firewall (NGFW)


The Next Generation Firewall (NGFW) offers advanced capabilities beyond traditional firewalls, including deep packet inspection and application awareness to provide robust security against modern threats.

No. Feature Description Implementation Status
1 Deep Packet Inspection Analyzes the data part of network packets Ensures advanced threat detection and prevention Active
2 Application Awareness Identifies and controls applications within the network Improves control and monitoring of application traffic In Progress
3 Threat Intelligence Incorporates threat intelligence feeds for real-time protection Enhanced detection and response to emerging threats Ongoing

LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)


LDAP is a protocol used for accessing and managing directory services. It provides a standardized way to query and modify directory information.

No. Component Description Usage Status
1 Directory Service Provides a hierarchical structure for managing user information Used for authentication and authorization Active
2 Query Capabilities Allows querying of directory information Used for retrieving user and resource details In Progress
3 Integration Can be integrated with various authentication systems Enhances security by centralizing user management Ongoing

Audit Management


Audit Management involves the systematic examination and evaluation of an organization's processes and controls to ensure compliance and identify areas for improvement. This section covers the auditing practices, procedures, and tools used to maintain and enhance security standards.

No. Audit Component Description Implementation Status
1 Audit Planning Preparation of audit plans and scheduling Developed annually and updated as needed Active
2 Audit Execution Conducting the audits according to the plan Performed by internal or external auditors In Progress
3 Reporting Documenting audit findings and recommendations Reports generated and reviewed post-audit Ongoing
4 Follow-Up Monitoring and verifying the implementation of audit recommendations Follow-up audits or reviews scheduled as necessary Active

Unified Threat Management (UTM)


Unified Threat Management (UTM) refers to a comprehensive solution that integrates multiple security features into a single platform to protect against various types of threats. This section covers the components and effectiveness of UTM solutions used in the organization.

No. UTM Component Description Implementation Status
1 Firewall Controls network traffic based on security rules Installed and configured Active
2 Intrusion Detection System (IDS) Monitors network for suspicious activity Regularly updated In Progress
3 Antivirus Protects against malware and viruses Continuous scanning enabled Active
4 Content Filtering Blocks access to inappropriate or harmful content Configured based on policies Ongoing

Data Loss Prevention (DLP)


Data Loss Prevention (DLP) involves strategies and tools designed to prevent unauthorized access and exfiltration of sensitive data. This section outlines the DLP solutions in place and their effectiveness in protecting critical information.

No. DLP Component Description Implementation Status
1 Endpoint Protection Monitors and controls data on end-user devices Deployed across all endpoints Active
2 Network Monitoring Detects and prevents unauthorized data transfers Real-time monitoring in place In Progress
3 Data Encryption Protects data through encryption methods Applied to sensitive data Active
4 Policy Enforcement Enforces data protection policies and regulations Regular audits and updates Ongoing

Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)


A Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) is a legal contract that outlines confidentiality obligations between parties. This section details the types of NDAs used, their purpose, and management within the organization.

No. NDA Type Description Scope Status
1 Unilateral NDA One party discloses information to another party Used for single-direction information sharing Active
2 Mutual NDA Both parties disclose and protect information Used for mutual information exchange In Progress
3 Confidentiality Agreement Agrees to keep sensitive information confidential Applied to sensitive and proprietary information Ongoing
4 Employee NDA Ensures employees keep company information confidential Signed by all employees during onboarding Active

Internal Audit


Internal Audit involves evaluating and improving the effectiveness of risk management, control, and governance processes within the organization. This section outlines the scope, methodology, and status of internal audits.

No. Audit Type Description Scope Status
1 Financial Audit Evaluates financial statements and records All financial transactions Completed
2 Operational Audit Assesses efficiency and effectiveness of operations Operational processes In Progress

External Audit


External Audit is conducted by independent third-party auditors to evaluate the accuracy of financial statements and compliance with regulations. This section details the approach, scope, and status of external audits.

No. Audit Type Description Scope Status
1 Compliance Audit Checks adherence to laws and regulations Regulatory compliance Completed
2 Financial Audit Reviews accuracy of financial records All financial records Scheduled

Specialized Audit


Specialized Audit focuses on specific areas or industries that require particular expertise. This section describes the types, scope, and status of specialized audits performed.

No. Audit Type Description Scope Status
1 IT Audit Evaluates IT systems and controls IT infrastructure In Progress
2 Environmental Audit Assesses environmental impact and compliance Environmental practices Scheduled

Security Audit


Security Audit focuses on evaluating the effectiveness of security controls and practices in place to protect organizational assets. This section outlines the types, scope, and status of security audits.

No. Audit Type Description Scope Status
1 Vulnerability Assessment Identifies security weaknesses Network and systems Completed
2 Penetration Testing Simulates attacks to find vulnerabilities Applications and networks In Progress

Network Audit


Network Audit assesses the effectiveness and security of network infrastructure. This section details the components, scope, and status of network audits.

No. Audit Type Description Scope Status
1 Network Security Evaluates network security measures Network infrastructure Active
2 Performance Audit Assesses network performance and efficiency Network performance metrics Ongoing

Behavioral Audit


Behavioral Audit focuses on assessing employee behavior and its impact on security and operations. This section details the scope, methodology, and status of behavioral audits.

No. Audit Type Description Scope Status
1 Compliance Behavior Evaluates adherence to company policies Employee behavior and actions In Progress
2 Security Awareness Assesses employees' understanding of security policies Employee awareness programs Scheduled

Technical Audit


Technical Audit evaluates the technical controls and systems within the organization. This section describes the types, scope, and status of technical audits performed.

No. Audit Type Description Scope Status
1 System Configuration Reviews system settings and configurations Technical systems Completed
2 Software Audit Assesses software installations and licensing Software applications Ongoing

Process Audit


Process Audit examines the effectiveness and efficiency of business processes. This section outlines the scope, methodology, and status of process audits.

No. Audit Type Description Scope Status
1 Workflow Audit Evaluates workflow efficiency and effectiveness Business workflows Completed
2 Compliance Process Assesses compliance with regulatory processes Compliance procedures In Progress

Information Systems Audit


Information Systems Audit reviews the controls and practices related to information systems. This section describes the scope, methodology, and status of information systems audits.

No. Audit Type Description Scope Status
1 Access Controls Reviews controls for system access Access management Active
2 Data Integrity Assesses the accuracy and consistency of data Data storage and handling Ongoing

Physical Audit


Physical Audit focuses on evaluating physical security measures and controls. This section outlines the types, scope, and status of physical audits performed.

No. Audit Type Description Scope Status
1 Facility Security Assesses security measures for physical locations Facility security controls Completed
2 Access Control Evaluates physical access controls and measures Access control systems In Progress

Operational Audit


Operational Audit assesses the efficiency and effectiveness of organizational operations. This section describes the scope, methodology, and status of operational audits.

No. Audit Type Description Scope Status
1 Process Efficiency Assesses the efficiency of business processes Operational processes Active
2 Resource Utilization Evaluates the use of organizational resources Resource management Ongoing

Value-added Audit


Value-added Audit focuses on improving the organization's value by identifying opportunities for enhancement. This section details the types, scope, and status of value-added audits performed.

No. Audit Type Description Scope Status
1 Process Improvement Identifies opportunities for process enhancements Business processes Completed
2 Strategic Audit Assesses alignment with strategic goals Strategic objectives In Progress

Security System Audit


Security System Audit evaluates the effectiveness and reliability of security systems in place. This section describes the scope, methodology, and status of security system audits.

No. Audit Type Description Scope Status
1 Firewall Audit Assesses the configuration and effectiveness of firewalls Firewall systems Active
2 Intrusion Detection Evaluates the effectiveness of intrusion detection systems Intrusion detection systems Ongoing

User Behavior Audit


User Behavior Audit focuses on assessing and analyzing user behavior patterns and their impact on organizational security. This section outlines the scope, methodology, and status of user behavior audits.

No. Audit Type Description Scope Status
1 Access Review Reviews user access levels and permissions Access control Completed
2 Behavioral Analysis Analyzes user behavior and activity User activities In Progress

SLA Audit


SLA Audit evaluates the compliance with Service Level Agreements (SLAs) and ensures that service providers meet their contractual obligations. This section describes the scope, methodology, and status of SLA audits.

No. Audit Type Description Scope Status
1 Service Performance Evaluates the performance of services against SLAs Service performance metrics Completed
2 Contract Compliance Assesses compliance with SLA terms Contractual obligations In Progress

Security Equipment Audit


Security Equipment Audit focuses on evaluating the functionality and effectiveness of security equipment used in the organization. This section outlines the scope, methodology, and status of security equipment audits.

No. Audit Type Description Scope Status
1 Surveillance Systems Assesses the effectiveness of surveillance equipment Surveillance systems Active
2 Access Control Devices Evaluates access control equipment Access control systems Ongoing

Quantitative Reports


Quantitative Reports focus on numerical data and metrics to assess performance and security. This section describes various quantitative reports, their methodologies, and their statuses.

No. Report Type Description Metrics Status
1 Performance Metrics Measures the performance against predefined metrics Key performance indicators Completed
2 Incident Statistics Reports on the frequency and types of security incidents Incident counts, trends Ongoing

Qualitative Reports


Qualitative Reports focus on descriptive data and subjective assessments. This section covers various qualitative reports, their methodologies, and their statuses.

No. Report Type Description Assessment Criteria Status
1 Risk Assessment Evaluates potential risks based on qualitative criteria Risk factors, impact assessments In Progress
2 Compliance Review Assesses compliance with policies and regulations Compliance criteria, policy adherence Completed

Security Token


Security Tokens are used to ensure secure authentication and authorization. This section covers different types of security tokens, their usage, and their statuses.

No. Token Type Description Usage Status
1 Hardware Token Physical device for generating authentication codes Two-factor authentication Active
2 Software Token Software-based authentication code generator Mobile or desktop applications In Use

ISO 27001


ISO 27001 is an international standard for managing information security. It outlines the requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining, and continually improving an information security management system (ISMS).

No. Requirement Description Implementation Status
1 Context of the Organization Understanding the organization's context and its impact on the ISMS Documented context analysis Completed
2 Leadership and Commitment Top management's role in supporting the ISMS Leadership commitment documented Ongoing
3 Risk Assessment and Treatment Identification and management of information security risks Risk assessment processes in place Under Review

NIST SP 800-53


NIST SP 800-53 provides a catalog of security and privacy controls for federal information systems and organizations. It is designed to help organizations manage their information security and privacy risks.

No. Control Description Implementation Status
1 AC-1 Access Control Policy and Procedures Documented access control policies and procedures Implemented
2 AU-2 Audit Events Identify and log security-related audit events In Progress
3 CA-2 Security Assessments Conduct security assessments on information systems Under Review

Cyber Maturity Levels


This section outlines various maturity levels within the cybersecurity domain. These maturity levels reflect different aspects of cybersecurity capabilities and practices, including:

Note: This list can be updated in the future as the cybersecurity field evolves and new developments occur.

No. Maturity Area Description Implementation Status
1 Information Security Management Maturity Development and implementation of information security management practices Documented management practices Ongoing
2 Technical and Security Maturity Technical controls and security measures in place Technical controls documented and implemented Completed
3 Cyber Attack Detection and Response Maturity Capability to detect and respond to cyber threats Detection and response mechanisms established Under Review
4 Security Analysis and Risk Management Maturity Analysis of security threats and management of associated risks Regular analysis and risk management practices Ongoing
5 Data Center Security Maturity Security measures for protecting data center infrastructure Security protocols and measures in place Completed
6 Network Security Maturity Security practices for safeguarding network infrastructure Network security controls implemented Under Review
7 Industrial Cybersecurity Maturity Cybersecurity practices for industrial systems Industrial security measures in place Ongoing
8 Internet of Things (IoT) Security Maturity Security measures for IoT devices and systems IoT security protocols established Completed
9 User Security and Employee Training Maturity Training and awareness programs for users and employees Training programs in place Ongoing
10 Small and Medium Business (SMB) Security Maturity Security measures tailored for small and medium-sized businesses SMB security strategies implemented Under Review

Cyber Maturity Standards


This section outlines various key standards used to assess and enhance cybersecurity maturity. These standards provide frameworks and guidelines for improving cybersecurity practices within organizations. The main standards include:

No. Standard Description Implementation Status
1 NIST A system for identifying, preventing, and responding to cyber attacks Guidelines and frameworks for cyber defense Ongoing
2 ISO/IEC 27001 Standard for managing information security, including procedures and policies Information security management practices Completed
3 PCI DSS Standard for payment security, preventing misuse of credit card information Payment security protocols Under Review
4 HIPAA Standard for protecting medical and health information Healthcare data protection measures Ongoing
5 GDPR European standard for privacy protection and personal data security Privacy and data protection controls Completed
6 CIS Controls Guide for managing cybersecurity and addressing security gaps Comprehensive cybersecurity controls Under Review
7 COBIT Management framework linking IT with business objectives IT governance and management practices Ongoing
8 OWASP Standard for web application security, including vulnerability lists Web application security measures Completed
9 CISQ Standard for evaluating software quality and security Software quality and security evaluations Ongoing
10 BSIMM Maturity model for assessing software security Software security maturity assessments Under Review

Cybersecurity Maturity Models


Cybersecurity maturity models help organizations assess and enhance their cybersecurity posture through structured frameworks and guidelines. Here are some notable maturity models:

No. Maturity Model Description Implementation Status
1 Security Development Lifecycle (SDL) A model for ensuring the security of software throughout its development lifecycle. Integrated into development processes Active
2 NIST Cybersecurity Framework A framework including Identify, Protect, Detect, Respond, and Recover functions to manage cybersecurity risks. Applied across various IT processes Ongoing
3 CIS Controls A set of 20 controls designed to address the most critical security issues. Implemented as part of security practices Under Review
4 ISO 27001 An international standard for information security management systems (ISMS). Certifications in place Certified
5 COBIT A framework for developing, implementing, monitoring, and improving IT governance and management practices. Framework adopted for IT management Ongoing
6 FAIR A framework for quantifying and comparing information risk. Risk assessments conducted Active
7 SABSA A risk-driven security architecture framework for creating and managing security solutions. Used for designing security solutions Under Review
8 Zero Trust A model that assumes no implicit trust and requires verification for every access request. Implemented with continuous monitoring Ongoing
9 CIS Security Metrics A set of metrics for evaluating and tracking the effectiveness of security controls. Metrics tracked regularly Active
10 Threat Modeling A process for identifying and analyzing potential threats and vulnerabilities. Regular threat modeling sessions Under Review
11 ISO 27001 (Repeated) An international standard providing guidelines for managing and protecting information security. Certifications and audits in progress Ongoing
12 NIST Cybersecurity Framework (Repeated) A framework focusing on cybersecurity risk management through a structured approach. Framework applied in various projects Active
13 COBIT (Repeated) A governance and management framework for IT aimed at aligning IT with business goals. Adopted for IT governance Ongoing
14 CIS Controls (Repeated) Fundamental controls for addressing and mitigating cybersecurity risks. Implemented across the organization Active
15 CSA Cloud Controls Matrix A matrix of cloud security controls for assessing cloud provider security. Applied to cloud services evaluation Under Review
16 ISA/IEC 62443 A standard for securing industrial control systems through a structured approach. Implemented in industrial environments Ongoing
17 HIPAA Security Rule Regulations for safeguarding patient health information in healthcare organizations. Compliance measures in place Compliant

Number of Controls in Standards


This section outlines the number of controls specified in various cybersecurity standards. These controls are designed to manage and mitigate security risks effectively.

No. Standard Description Number of Controls Status
1 ISO 27001 An international standard for information security management systems (ISMS). 114 Active
2 NIST SP 800-53 A catalog of security and privacy controls for federal information systems and organizations. 205 Ongoing
3 PCI DSS A standard for securing payment card information. 12 Under Review
4 HIPAA A standard for protecting health information in the healthcare sector. 14 Compliant
5 GDPR A European standard for data protection and privacy. 99 Ongoing
6 CIS Controls A set of 20 critical security controls designed to mitigate the most prevalent cybersecurity threats. 20 Active
7 COBIT A framework for developing, implementing, monitoring, and improving IT governance and management practices. 37 Ongoing
8 OWASP A set of guidelines for improving the security of software applications. 10 Under Review
9 CSA Cloud Controls Matrix A framework for assessing cloud service provider security controls. 17 Active
10 ISA/IEC 62443 A standard for securing industrial control systems. 89 Ongoing
11 CISQ A standard for evaluating software quality and security. 15 Under Review
12 BSIMM A model for assessing software security practices. 12 Active

Other Standards and Number of Controls


This section provides information about additional cybersecurity standards not previously mentioned, including the number of controls each standard includes. These standards help organizations manage cybersecurity risks and ensure compliance with best practices.

No. Standard Description Number of Controls Status
1 ISO/IEC 27017 A standard for information security controls for cloud services. 14 Active
2 ISO/IEC 27018 A standard for protection of personal data in the cloud. 13 Ongoing
3 ISO/IEC 27032 A standard focusing on cybersecurity, including guidelines for improving the state of cybersecurity. 20 Under Review
4 ISO/IEC 27035 A standard for information security incident management. 11 Active
5 ISO/IEC 27037 A standard for digital evidence collection and preservation. 8 Ongoing
6 ISO/IEC 27009 A standard for sector-specific application of ISO/IEC 27001. 6 Under Review
7 ISO/IEC 27000 A standard that provides an overview of information security management systems and terms. 5 Active
8 ISO/IEC 27002 A code of practice for information security controls. 14 Ongoing
9 ISO/IEC 27004 A standard for monitoring, measurement, analysis, and evaluation of the ISMS. 10 Under Review
10 ISO/IEC 27005 A standard for information security risk management. 15 Active
11 ISO/IEC 27006 A standard for certification bodies providing audit and certification of ISMS. 7 Ongoing
12 ISO/IEC 27011 A standard for information security management in telecommunications organizations. 9 Under Review
13 ISO/IEC 27019 A standard for information security controls for process control systems. 12 Active
14 ISO/IEC 27701 A standard for privacy information management, extending ISO/IEC 27001 and ISO/IEC 27002. 21 Ongoing